Observar, sentir, pensar, actuar


- D.U. Vino, Cultura y Oenotourismo (IUVV Jules GUYOT)

- D.U. Práctica de la Degustación por el Conocimineto de los Terroirs (IUVV Jules GUYOT)

- I.S.F.D. N°3 Profesora de Escuela

- Bachillerato literario


« Accepter la diversité nous apporte de la richesse »
« Les œnotouristes veulent vivre une expérience sensible et authentique »
« Les raisons du succès de la Saint-Vincent tournante »
« La Saint-Vincent tournante doit conserver son âme »

« Argentina y sus vinos : un rincón de Europa
en el Nuevo Mundo. »

Extracto de mi tesis de estudio realizada durante mis cursos en el Instituto Universitario de la Vid y el Vino Jules GUYOT (IUVV Jules GUYOT) y publicado por la Chaire UNESCO en los Encuentros y Conferencias del Clos Vougeot, Cultura y Tradiciones del Vino en Borgoña : « El vino en herencia : antiguos viñedos, nuevos viñedos. »


“Bonjour Viviana,

I am now back in Los Angeles and wanted to write you with sincere thanks for your gracious hospitality when I was visiting Burgundy recently. It was such a treat to tour Bouchard’s beautiful facilities – it had been years since I was there. And it was a truly special time for my mother. It was wonderful hearing her talk about Bouchard wines, the cellars, the grounds, and your fabulous tour to all her friends when we returned to Switzerland.
You have an excellent ability to talk to people with little wine knowledge, such as my mother, and make it easy to understand. And I know you can also talk on the highest levels with your most knowledgeable customers. It is a wonderful gift you have. And you make everyone feel comfortable, special, and welcome with your delightful personality.

I sincerely thank you for your time and the information you provided – and the wines showed exceptionally well.” Kind regards,

Erica Meadows


“Dearest Viviana,

Words cannot express my thanks and gratitude for the amazing visit we all had at Bouchard Pere et Fils !!! The tour, tasting, wines, luncheon- were top notch and truly spectacular! And so very special! I am touched by your graciousness. Viviana- you truly made our visit one to remember for a lifetime! Your kindness, hospitality and knowledge is first class! And your passion is contagious!
I am grateful for all you did and hope one day, when you come to the USA, I can do the same for you.
I am so lucky to work for a stellar company and family, with the best people in the world! Warmest regards,” Thyann

Thyann Johnson
Regional Manager Texas, Louisiana and Georgia